Friday, April 12, 2013

Why It's Good To Be Bad Business.?

smart friend good afternoon, this time we will discuss about why it's good to be bad business.? following his review ....
we often see many famous companies out there who were once very popular, has a good turnover sudden decline rapidly. question that arises then is why the company is to be ugly?

              The main cause of the decline in life expectancy in the European part of the company was due to the rise of mergers and acquisitions (M & A) in recent decades.
(M & A) are mostly forced sales, many companies are experiencing difficulties, not strategic purchasing.
  we need to know that the main cause of the success of one of them is "good practice" good company.

               In my view, when the company achieve greatness they apparently are not aware of the destructive habits menggorogoti create their success. as well as the human being, the habit is the result of learning rather than innate, and we can see if a company began to develop the habit of destroying. The habit more and more attached so addictive.

                The following self-destructive habits good company:
1. Obsession Volume (increasing costs and shrinking profit)
2. Denial (cocoon myth, ritual, and orthodoxy)
3. Arrogance (pride before the fall)
4. Complacency (success brings failure)
5. Relying Too Competition (curse liability)
6. Farsightedness competition (just look at the competition)
7. Fanaticism Region (cultural conflict and war between parts)
8. Obsession Volume (increase cultural and shrinking profit)

ok first so that I can share .. please wait for the next post ... !!

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